We are animal advocates who maintain a program of low cost spay and neuter vouchers for qualified Onslow
residents who adopt from any shelter or would like to spay/neuter feral cats on their property.
We also provide:
Insight and information regarding affordable spay/neuter clinics for domestic animals and feral cats.
Education and public awareness of current legislation regarding animal welfare issues.
A commitment to facilitate and empower our County residents who are willing to foster stray companion animals by acting
as an Animal Welfare Liaison.
To accomplish this goal since 2009, OCPAW has depended on people like you for the monies to provide food,
vaccines, needed medical assistance, as well as behavioral counseling to help animals find a new home.
Please join us by reading the education, creating a Rainbow Bridge Memoriam for your pet, utilizing our
spay/neuter program, or donating your time or financial support to further our mission.
Dotty Ann Harding
Founder & CEO
Want to honor your pet by helping others?
We can post a photograph and your message to honor your pet, which you can send to ocpawvouchers@gmail.com,, click below to donate at least $20.00 for the animals in need.
Click here to go to Rainbow Bridge Page
OCPAW Vouchers range from $15 for FERAL CATS to $39.99 for DOMESTIC ANIMALS.
**A Regular Credit or Debit Card can be used on the PAYPAL DONATE button below **
We use PayPal as the gateway to pay for the spay-neuter vouchers. You can use any credit card on the PayPal website; you do not need to be a member.

Click & Go!
Click & Go!

OR Credit/Debit Card
OR Credit/Debit Card

click here for PawsAbility Spay/Neuter Program Information

501(C) (3)

Armalite AR-15 raffled off on the 23rd at the Cause for the Paws event at Fat Burgers on Rt 210. Tickets for the new Ford Focus from Sanders Ford

are available now at on 210 in Sneads Ferry and at the event for $20.00 a ticket...... the car will be raffled off December 22, You can also purchase tickets on this website on the donate button or through pay pal

Our Educational Trailer will be traveling the county informing residents of the several programs available to them through our organization. Funding for these from our main fundraiser.....The Cause for the Paws, now in its 5th year.
Additional funding comes from the Dallas Fred Allen Endowment working with Onslow Caring Communities Foundation, an affiliate of the North Carolina Community Foundation.

On Memorial Day 2016, a Marine German Shepherd dog named Aggie…..walked the Rainbow Bridge. Aggie was afflicted with Degenerative Myelopathy and in her later she progressively lost the use of her legs. David & Patty Keller donated her “Walking Wheels” to OCPAW so another dog could have the freedom of movement that Aggie enjoyed. What story of steadfast love and devotion.
If you are aware of someone who could use this wonderful gift of mobility…please contact us 910.745.7930

Tickets are also available at Pet Mart on 210 in Sneads Ferry. Please call for any additional information 910.745.7930 You can also purchase them on our website, please go to the donation page.
2015 Festival of Trees in Jacksonville

Dorothy from Surf City Guns, far left, DottyAnn Harding (OCPAW) and the winner of the AR-15 Mr. Terry Hartley. Also pictured with his lab. was held at Restaurant on Thanksgiving Day.

Dorothy from Surf City Guns, far left, DottyAnn Harding (OCPAW) and the winner of the AR-15 Mr. Terry Hartley. Also pictured with his lab. was held at Restaurant on Thanksgiving Day.
DONATE PAGE. There will only be 50 tickets sold.

You can support us this year by stopping by at our 4th Annual Cause for the Paws, our largest fundraiser. Because of your donations we have issued over 100 spay/neuter vouchers and were able to help over 75 animals who received needed medical treatment and found forever homes. ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! Also available is our "Devotion" artwork....please see information below.

Please Support Us By Clicking On The Donate Page listed on the left side of this page......Thank You.

"Devotion" acrylic/watercolor signed and numbered limited edition which can also be personalized by the artist is available for only $39.99 (all proceeds go to the Cause the Paws-OCPAW)
You can also order by sending an email (ocpaw@yahoo.com) or stop 210 in Sneads Ferry and speak with Shannon. Payment can be made on the donation page or by sending a check. PO Box 745 Sneads Ferry, NC 28460
Spay/Neuter Certificates available for Onslow County residents. Submit an application from this website.
So in every act of we hold in our own hands the mercy of our Maker, whose purposes are in life and not death, whose love does not stop at us but surrounds us, bestowing dignity and beauty and hope on every creature that lives and suffers and perishes. Perhaps that is part of the animals' role among us, to awaken humility, to turn our minds back to the mystery of things, and open our hearts to that most impractical of hopes in which all creation speaks as one. For them as for us, if there is any hope at all then it is the same hope, and the same love, and the same God who (Dominion by Matthew Scully)
" shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."(Rev.21:4)
The Fourth Annual Cause For The Paws Bike Run & Benefit

will take place this year at Lo-re-lei's Pub & Lorelei's Pub and Grill Sunday, October 11th! Registration is at & Kickstands are up at sharp. Dice Run is $20.00 and includes a BBQ Plate & 2 Raffle Tickets! $5.00 Cars are also welcome! There are Raffles, 50/50, & yes, AMAZING Auction items again! The Doggie Kissing Booth will be in place again too!! The Incredible Band CLAWDADDY will be playing from 3 - !!! BBQ Plates with all the will be sold starting at for $7.00!! ALL money raised will benefit OCPAW Onslow County Partners for We are really excited about this benefit & hope to make more money than EVER for this organization that has already done so much to help so many of us!

Our mobile office event/educational Trailer should be ready soon to make the rounds around our County
Our educational rack cards were a great success to bring awareness of the danger of leaving your pet in the car. We will continue this program next year and hopefully will be able to make more of an impact when our Traveling Mobile Office is completed.

Spay/Neuter Certificates available for Onslow County residents. Submit an application from this website.
There are cameras located everywhere in this country, so it is very difficult to transact any type of business without you being videoed. There is no consent form to be signed or anyone verbally asking for your permission to be videoed. So my question then is this.....in a setting where animals are slaughtered to enter into our food supply why would there be restrictions on people trying to document this information so that we all might be informed.

Being informed would then be exposing such things as animal cruelty so that the situation could then be remedied voluntarily or This Ag-gag Bill which was and passed through the House is now in the Senate as SB433 Property Protection Bill. The bills are disguised as business protection efforts, but make no mistake: The goal is to punish whistle-blowers and prevent the public from seeing how their food is produced.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/…/op…/article19336296.html…
Please contact your Senator and ask him NOT to support this Bill.

Successful Surgery!!
Remember Snuggles, well his new name is Tyson and he is now and recovering in his new forever home. When speaking to the veterinarian who performed the surgery she was amazed at the damage that had been done Someone with enough strength ( specifically stated a child could not do this), that applied force to rip the tendons and ligaments and separate the knee joint that was completely destroyed. She told us that this was the only option for him surgically and she could see the difference in him immediately when he woke up from surgery, as all that pain he that he had endured was gone.

Leg amputation needed
My name is Snuggles and I am a very sweet & loving male DSH who was abandoned along with several other cats in a troubled area of Onslow County. My other friends were one day crammed into a cardboard box and just dumped in a parking lot, so I was told. I am hoping someone had mercy on them and they found a home. I ran from that situation before I met the same fate but was injured in doing so. My foster mom took me in and cared for me as I was very thin, dirty and limping. She called OCPAW for help and I was then taken to a vet for complete vetting and an x-ray that didn't show anything broken...thank goodness! Several days passed and I was still limping and in pain so back to the vet I went
and after the exam recommended my leg be amputated. We were very concerned about this and consulted with another vet. After that this would be best and I would then be and would manage very well with three legs…..especially since I am in a very caring home now. So tomorrow is the day and I'm asking for cat prayers that will start me the beginning of my journey and a new life with a military family that loves me very much. I am so very fortunate for the Cause for the Paws, OCPAW's main fundraiser given year under the direction of Donna & Larry Plowman and their many volunteers who support their efforts. These funds were used to help me and so many others like Molly and Lucy Girl who are currently also receiving medical treatments and will be appearing on our sites soon. We would not be able to help these animals without your very kind donations…thank you.
The Clydesdales did come!!!!

Remember the posting Of Anna & Elsa......well the Clydesdales did come!!!! In the form of a wonderful Jacksonville family who adopted them both! A family with a large fenced in yard with other dogs to run and play and with two sons 14 & 12 to throw balls and cuddle. The family's email to me today about the pups said, "They have touched our hearts. We love them so much!
Heartfelt thanks go out to Wanda and all the wonderful staff at Animal House Boarding & Grooming, Mike McHugh of the Jacksonville Daily Newspaper who posted their story and pictures which their new family saw and contacted us about the pups and Donna & Larry Plowman who hold an annual fundraising event for our organization called “Cause for the Paws”. To everyone who supports us through your donations, prayers postings, you truly make a difference in the lives of the animals that so need our help. I am so very blessed to be a part of our very special caring community of Onslow County who work together to help the less fortunate, suffering and abandoned among us.
We are Ice Princesses Anna & Elsa who were left alone on a rainy freezing night...alone, frightened, cold and hungry. We are Plott Hound and German Shepherd mix, 11 weeks old and weigh just 10 pounds. We thought we heard the Clydesdales coming to save us like they did for that puppy in the Super Bowl Ad, but we know that when you read this you will come and take us home. Please give us a chance with you as we are known for our affection, love & devotion. We currently are boarding at Animal House in Jacksonville which is a wonderful place, but we need a home of our own. We also come with a certificate to be spayed. Call Onslow County Partners for Animal Welfare 484.883.3552/ocpaw501@gmail.com

We are Ice Princesses Anna & Elsa who were left alone on a rainy freezing night...alone, frightened, cold and hungry. We are the best of a Plott Hound and German Shepherd dog, 11 weeks old and weigh just 10 pounds. We thought we heard the Clydesdales coming to save us like they did for that puppy in the Super Bowl Ad, but we know that when you read this you will come and take us home. Please give us a chance with you as we are known for our affection & devotion. We currently are boarding at Animal House in Jacksonville which is a wonderful place, but we need a home of our own. We also come with a certificate to be spayed. Call Onslow County Partners for Animal Welfare 484.883.3552/ocpaw501@gmail.com

Yumi, Luke and Buck, Mark and Kai, and the co-pilot are pictured here before takeoff from Jacksonville Airport. Buck the black Lab which was helped by OCPAW (Onslow County Partners for Animal Welfare, Inc.) and our supporters through donations were able to get Buck vetted and with the proper paperwork to go to a Lab rescue in FL. Yumi & Luke had contacted us for help and acted as Bucks foster parents which really played a big part along with Leslie from Rescue Connect and naturally Pilots n Paws. Everyone working together can really make a difference for the animals in our community of Onslow.

With this year soon coming to a close I want to again thank all our supporters & event Founder and Coordinators Donna & Larry Plowman, who for the third year in a row made the Cause for the Paws increasingly successful. It is because of this fundraiser and other donations that we are able to help so many animals find their forever homes. We have been able to continue our spay/neuter program, assisting with needed vaccinations, medical treatments & foster support to increase adopt-ability. If you would like to make a donation this year, please go to our donation page on this website where all credit cards and pay pal are accepted. We have very exciting plans for this coming year....please continue to follow us on FB. May God bless you and all his creatures.
3rd Annual Cause for the Paws

DJ Donna Plowman Creator and Event Coordinator of our largest fundraising event... the Annual Cause For The Paws, now in its third year, with Bud, who is now accepting applications for his Home, with devoted foster mom Kristy, who lovingly nursed him back to health. He is now home for the Holidays with Linda & Jim in his wonderful new home! Photograph by Sheryl Olson/

Our happy Bud today! Thank you to one of our coordinators Rachel Carter for your gift of photography and your company

Photography Coordinator Rachel Carter
Rachel lives in Sneads Ferry with her 2 rescue dogs, Chase and Savannah. "As a dog lover I would love to rescue them all," she says, "but since she says that is unrealistic, I can at least volunteer my talents to help OC PAW find permanent homes for animals by taking their portraits."
Rachel works in finance, but also specializes in landscape photography, focusing on coastal scenes.

The last two kittens of this trio litter were adopted at the event.

Our funding comes from locally held events (Cause for the Paws), Happy Jack Distributors and private donations.
Paws 4 Anthony BBQ Fundraiser
......to help bring an Autism service dog to a special little boy.
http://www.gofundme.com/paws-4-anthony Link with additional information regarding Anthony and his funding site.
http://www.pawsforpeople.org/ The link to Paws for People site located in Wilmington NC
Pictured below are Anthony and his mom and Dotty Ann Harding from OCPAW presenting them with a check for $1000.00 to help them reach their goal. Read the page located to the left (Third Grade Class) for the complete how this class of a special little boy through their project.

Meet Cindy, Joey Sara of Sneads Ferry NC who donated 300 pounds of dog and cat food to our organization OCPAW. They did this by having a birthday party and asking their guests to bring food for the animals to be redistributed instead of a gift. What a wonderful idea giving back to their community.......helping others and their pets in time of need. Thank you so very much!!!!

FIRST ANNUAL CAUSE FOR THE PAWS - October 21st, BENEFIT BIKE RUN for Onslow County Partners for Animal Welfare (OC-PAW) DICE RUN - $20 (includes BBQ Plate) REGISTRATION Starts @ , KICKSTANDS UP at - Run Route Begins @ LO-RE-LEI then WILD HAWG, DALES, THE BRASS PELICAN, THE PIT and ends at LO-RE-LEI - $6 Plates served at LO-RE-LEI at - There will be a 50/50 DRAWING, ... NS & LIVE BANDS 2-4PM "The Carolina Band" 5-8PM

We have been truly blessed by the efforts of under the direction of Donna and Larry "Poppa" Plowman, who made this event possible. We now will be able to assist families with spay/neuter certificates that will only cost them $39.00. The Spay/Neuter certificate for rescues and families is also funded by OCPAW through the efforts of this event, future donations Happy Jack Pet Distributors.
Since 1946, Happy Jack has manufactured high quality, effective animal health products for dogs, cats horses. As a result of their commitment to safe and effective animal health care within the agricultural markets over the last 60 years, Happy Jack has developed strong brand recognition and consumer loyalty within America’s kennel owners, breeders, outdoor sportsmen, and farmers. For photos of this event click on the Cause for the Paws page to the left side of the page. You can download the spay/neuter certificate on the spay/neuter page and email the information back to us. You are also able to pay the $39.00 for the certificate on the donate page, just specify that it is for the spay/neuter certificate.
See updates for the Cause for the Paws events on the of this page.
Information regarding our vaccine grant
Marines from Camp Johnson NC
Volunteering at the Onslow County Animal Shelter in Jacksonville NC

Animals wanting to be adopted by Onslow County residents Commerce Leadership class is to thank for a fabulous new place for them to attract potential families. This year’s class chose to build a dog park at the Onslow al Shelter.
The area boasts several enclosures that feature exercise areas, landscaping, green grass, even decommissioned fire hydrants! The hope is that this dedicated space will give animals a chance to spend quality time outdoors and outside of their cages, socializing with each other and in turn improving the quality of life quality of the dogs being adopted. The project was paid for with money raised by American Marine Corps Communities and First Bank Corp., as well as the sale of raffle tickets for an IPad 2, donated by Coldwell Banker Fountain Realty. The project has gained a loyal group of volunteers who regularly exercise the dogs, including a group of Marines from Camp Johnson. This promises to be a win-win project for the area and its pets for a very long time.

Just a Dog?

Pilots N Paws Recently flew two beautiful labs from Onslow County Shelter in Jacksonville, NC where they were out of time and to be euthanized the next day, a Lab rescue in Jacksonville, FL.
of CAPS(Carolina Animal Protection Society) of Jacksonville NC and Kelly from Lab Rescue of Florida coordinated these efforts.
The pilot was Keith Decker, a retired NWA Captain on the left, who currently resides in Rock Hill, SC. On the right is Officer Doug from the Onslow Shelter.
Pilots N Paws is a very impressive organization who provides this transportation for dogs in high kill shelters. Keith and the other pilots provide this service using their own personal funds. Please donate to support their continuing this wonderful program on the donation page. Just mention your donation is to be used for Pilots n Paws, and remember it is a donation. www.pilotsnpaws.org
News article showing Dotty Ann Harding, President and Founder of OC-PAW, the pilot Keith Decker and Officer Doug from Onslow shelter and one of the lab passengers.

OC-PAW provides vaccines for Animal ControlH3N8 from the Petfinder.com Foundation and Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health. This vaccine, which has a value of over $22,000.00 has been donated to the Onslow County Shelter in Jacksonville, NC. and Pender Shelter in Pender County, NC
Click on this link for the full story

Southwest Elementary School's Third Grade Class (located in Jacksonville NC), and their teacher Anna Barnoski presented OC-PAW with a check for $500.00. Go to their page for the full story.

We are so pleased that Brittany Pollard of Topsail High School has elected to award OC-PAW as of the funds that she raised for her Senior Project for 2011. Her project was an informed presentation and fundraiser regarding current animal issues, such as targeting areas in dog fighting, cruelty and puppy mills. She raised over $200.00 in her efforts of community awareness this issue. Thank you, for your vision and hard work. We will continue with your efforts by using your tri-fold poster presentations at community gatherings such as Autumn at Topsail. With your funds, informational brochures will be printed to invoke community awareness of these and will continue with your efforts. Our hopes, as yours, are to reduce the suffering of the animals in our community awareness, advocacy education. Thank you again for your hard work and support of our efforts. (OC-PAW Coordinator, Kathy Cahill, accepting a check from Brittany Pollard of Topsail High School).
To keep abreast of laws and proposed laws that may our County animals, a helpful site